Sunday, July 15, 2012

Finally a hint after 8 years of bad health

So I have suffered from what has been labeled as fibromyalgia. In a nut shell fatigue, musle pain, shortness in breth, high pulse 120 at rest. 180 while exercising, ringing ears, stomache upset, an lots and lots od cronic headches. So i finally found a chiropractor neurologist here in boise. he did a bunch of neuro tests and guess what for the first time he found something wrong wirh me and yes it is in my head but not how people have ment my neurons arn't firing the same on both sides my o2 levels in my extreemities are way low and my balance is terrible. So any ways he did a bunch of testing that most docctors never bother with .... So i found out I had a parsite unknown, leaky gut syndrome, a low thiroid which is related to autoimmune disease and all types of allergies to glutton, my c reactive protein is a 3 which means 8 have major inflamation in my body. it cost $1,500 for all the tests but if I get to feeling better it will be worth it. So now we are 9 days in to a very limited diet of low glycemic fruits, vegetables but no tomatos oe potatoes, and organic grass feed beef, chicken, and fish the first 3 days I had a huge headache. Withdrawl from caffeine probably being the biggest problem. Then I was dizzy for 2 more days then I STARTED FEELING BETTER. NO MORE STOMACHE ACHES AND HEADACHES AND ENOUGH ENERGY TO MAKE IT TILL NAPTIME. I made a mistaake of not askinf the waitress for the ingrdiants in my lunch I had trout with lemon, green beans and sweet potato fries. We think it was the way the potatoes were fried and maybe breaded??? Anyways with in half an hour I had a stomache Ache, tiredness, headache and brain fog.... Not fun but then I realized how much I felt better before I ate. it took until Noon the next day until I felt better agAin. And so after 8 years of being told either I was having psyco somatic symtoms ie your a crazy chick or being told you have fibeomyalgia and theres not much we can do bit try to give you some drugs someone found something wrong with me.