Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome to my new blog

Hi, my blgo passwords have disappeared into cyber land and it has been so long since I blogged that i am starting over. So, here goes. for the first time in a longtime I have no comitments outside of my family. no jewely classes scheduled, no art mom, no bazaars or shows . not a thing. I still have my Etsy store but it is just sitting there. I hsve a garage full of displays, jewelry and other stuff to sell but it is just there. I have a closet psked with fabri, 4 bags of wool clothing to reycle and create with and a whole offics studio full of jewelry, sewing, srapbooking, crochet supplies and yarn and just lots of stuff to create with. Way too many ideas so many they can't escape my head. The only creative thing I have been doing is crocheting. It helps calm my brain. But I am really stuck i know I have too many rabit trails in my store adn may too wide a variety of items. i know I need to develope something that is me not just a copy of everyone else that is inspiring me at the moment. i need to calm my mind and listen to God and find my has been years of rabit trails and business and stress beause I wanted to make it all and. Couldn't decide so it became more of a gathering of supplies beauttiful beads, fabric, patterns, pictures, books, ideas, dabling here and there. but never sticking to that voice in my head that says what I make needs to Glorify God it needs to be something that people can use to grow their relationship with God and share with others the inportance of God in their lives. it is still growing and churning around in my head ina the meantime I try to rest and concentrate on my family and take care aof the basics.....